Milwaukee Soldiers Home Library

The postcard above shows the historic Wadsworth Library which was built in 1891 and is part of the National Soldiers Home complex in Milwaukee. It is also now part of the Northwestern Branch, National Home for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers Historic District on the National Register of Historic Places. The Soldiers Home complex was like a village and included, in addition to the library, residential buildings, a post office (Wood, Wisconsin), a recreational hall, and a chapel. The Milwaukee Soldiers Home Foundation has been established to help preserve and restore the buildings in the complex. The Wadsworth Library is designated as Building #3 in the complex and was named for a member of the Board of Managers of the National Homes for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers. At one point the library which served those living at the home had as many as 23,000 books. On June 30, 1998, a fire heavily damaged the library and its contents. The historic district is part of the Milwaukee Veterans Administration Medical Center complex on Milwaukee’s west side.




Patricia Lynch provides this additional information about the Wadsworth Library:


The Wadsworth Library continues to serve patients of the Clement J. Zablocki VA Medical Center. It is open year-round on a regular basis and receives special attention during Reclaiming Our Heritage, the annual veteran tribute and living history event at the VA Medical Center the weekend after Memorial Day. During the event it is open to the general public and is filled with displays on the history of the library and other exhibits. The West Side Soldiers Aid Society supports, among other worthy causes, the Milwaukee VA patient libraries. Information on Reclaiming Our Heritage is available at




3 Replies to “Milwaukee Soldiers Home Library”

  1. The Wadsworth Library continues to serve patients of the Clement J. Zablocki VA Medical Center. It is open year-round on a regular basis and receives special attention during Reclaiming Our Heritage, the annual veteran tribute and living history event at the VA Medical Center the weekend after Memorial Day. During the event it is open to the general public and is filled with displays on the history of the library and other exhibits. The West Side Soldiers Aid Society supports, among other worthy causes, the Milwaukee VA patient libraries. Information on Reclaiming Our Heritage is available at

  2. Hello, My name is Dave Pilgrm. My great great grabdfather fought in the civil war for the 29th Wisconsin Volunteer Infantry.
    He died I believe in 1921 after being a patient at the old soldiers home in Milwaukee. His body was sent back to Oakland Minnesota where his family resided for burial there.
    Is there a place I could contact to get some information about the times he was at the home, and any information relating to cause of death etc.
    I live in New Zealand so I am hampered by distance to locate information. Otherwise I would visit.
    Any information you can help me with will be greatly appreciated. Thank you very much.
    Kindest regards, Dave Pilgrim
    My gggrandfathers name was:
    William Pilgrim – He was born in England in 1833 and immigrated to Canada as a child then to Beaver Dam Wisconsin (where a fire destroyed all their records). He was a member ofg both the 14th and 29th Wisc Vol Infantry enlisting in 1864 and being discharged in 1865.
    I believe he would have been there sometime inn 1921 and sometime before, but not sure when he would have arrived there.
    Again thank you very much.

    1. Hi David,
      The Wisconsin Library Heritage Center has no connection to the Soldiers Home in Milwaukee. I regret to say that we are not in a position to follow up on your request.

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