I Love My Library’s History


I just became aware of a list of “50 Reasons to Love Your Local Library“. I like number 33 which states: “Your local library is a part of your heritage; your parents likely went there, and perhaps their parents before them.” It’s not clear to me how you can love libraries and not love library history. People who use libraries, people who like libraries, people who value libraries, and people who appreciate libraries can be and often are oblivious to the history of libraries, but if you love libraries you ought to love their history. I think the “I Love Libraries” campaign and website of the American Library Association is a good approach to promoting America’s libraries. It should have a library history component, however. A few years ago, the Wisconsin Library Association launched the campaign “I Love Libraries and I Vote” to demonstrate to decision makers that people who feel strongly about libraries are active in the political process. Part of that campaign involved mailing postcards similar to the one above from the Beloit (WI) Public Library to elected officials. On the back of the card, the sender provided a personal message on why the library was important to him or her. One of those reasons could have and should have been that the library has a legacy of making a difference and changing lives in the community. That legacy is worth acknowledging and celebrating.

Note: This blog entry also appeared in The Library History Buff Blog