Carla J. Stoffle – 2024 Library Hall of Fame Inductee

Carla J. Stoffle, a leader of library services at the University of Wisconsin-Parkside from 1972-1985, changed the role and face of academic libraries through her role in the development of the concept of a Teaching Library. Under her visionary leadership, the role of the academic library as an adjunct collection of scholarly resources was supplanted by a recognition of the
academic library as an integral part of the teaching and learning process. Her leadership led universities, including the University of Wisconsin-Madison, to adopt coursework in information literacy as a required element of the undergraduate curriculum. This focus on the library role in teaching and learning also led to the development of a new vision of libraries as information commons as illustrated by the Business and Chemistry Information Commons at UW Madison and the Learning Commons at Carroll University. When higher education transitioned to online learning, the integration of information literacy was extended to embedded librarian programs such as those at the University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh, the Milwaukee Area Technical Colleges, Chippewa Valley Technical College, and the University of Wisconsin-Stout. The development of these programs was enabled not only by Carla’s vision in articulating the teaching role of libraries but also by her development of the first directory of library instruction programs which supported networking among Wisconsin academic libraries.

Carla’s service at the UW-Parkside began in 1972 when she was hired as a reference librarian in charge of library instruction. Within a year, she was promoted to Head of the Public Services Division, and three years later her visionary leadership was once again recognized as she became Assistant Director. That leadership and articulation of the teaching role of libraries was reflected in the transition in the name and purpose of the UW-Parkside Library to the UW-Parkside Library/Learning Center. During this time, Carla’s work in information literacy was recognized by a UW-System Teaching Improvement Grant to enhance the teaching of history. Carla’s vision in articulating the critical role of libraries to teaching and learning was next recognized by the
UW-Parkside when Carla was named Executive Assistant to the Chancellor and then Assistant Chancellor for Educational Services before she left Wisconsin to serve as the Deputy Director for the University of Michigan Libraries. Since 1991 Carla has been a Professor in the School of
Information at the University of Arizona and also served concurrently as Dean of Libraries from 1991-2013.

Carla’s service as a library educator is also reflected by her 22 years as an instructor for the Senior Fellows Leadership Program at the University of California, Los Angeles as well as by over 100 conference and workshops papers, presentations, and workshops.

Carla recognized and recruited talented librarians to Wisconsin including Hannelore Rader and Tom Kirk.  Rader, later Dean of Libraries at the University of Louisville, extended U.W. Parkside’s national reputation as a teaching library and modeled strong service to the profession as the 1986-1987 President of the Association of Research Libraries.  Kirk was Director of Libraries at Berea and Earlham Colleges and the 2004 Academic/Research Librarian of the Year. But Carla did not just recognize talented leaders, she also mentored beginning
librarians, including one individual who told her, “Before you came to Parkside, I had a job. After you came, I had a profession”.

Carla’s leadership in the development of academic library services extends beyond her role in developing the concept of the teaching library, integrating that concept at the highest levels of university administration, and as an educator and mentor for students in the School of Information. Carla has also been a prolific author in library services, beginning in 1973 and continuing to her latest publication in 2020. In addition to her extensive writings on information literacy, Carla has written on creating campus partnerships, on funding and restructuring campus libraries, and on envisioning the future of academic libraries. Her 1996 article, “Choosing Our Futures” in College and Research Libraries (vol. 57, 1996) was named one of seven “landmark”
articles published by ACRL over the span of almost 60 years.

Carla’s leadership in transforming the role of academic libraries has been recognized by the American Library Association numerous times. In 2018, she was the recipient of the Melvin Dewey Award recognized her extraordinary leadership in library management and instruction. She was honored by the Joseph Lippincott Award in 2012 for her outstanding service to librarianship and to library associations. She is also the 2003 recipient of the ALA Equality
Award, the 2002 Elizabeth Futas Catalyst for Change Award, the 1992 Academic Librarian of the Year Award, and the 1991 Miriam Dudley Bibliographic Instruction Librarian of the Year Award.

Kurt Kiefer – 2024 Library Hall of Fame Inductee

Kurt is a servant leader who made exceptional contributions to the library community both in Wisconsin and nationally.  Kurt came to Wisconsin libraries not as a librarian, but through his work as the Chief Information Officer at a school district. As the Assistant State Superintendent for the Division for Libraries and Technology at the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction (DPI) from 2010 – 2021, he committed himself to building a deep understanding of libraries and building and empowering a team of library experts to best serve libraries throughout the state. His work and philosophy have had a profound and lasting impact on all who worked with him, making him a deserving candidate for this prestigious recognition.

Throughout his distinguished career, Kurt demonstrated unwavering dedication to advancing library services and connecting the dots between projects, partners, and opportunities. His innovative leadership as the Wisconsin State Librarian for over a decade brought increased collaboration to our library community and bridged the gap between libraries and technology. Under his guidance, the DPI implemented many successful programs, including the creation of WISE, widespread
expansion of broadband in public libraries and schools, the Public Library System Redesign project, and countless other advancements which have significantly enhanced access to information and resources for all Wisconsin residents.

Beyond his professional achievements, Kurt is known for his genuine kindness and willingness to mentor others.  As a former colleague wrote, “Anyone who worked with Kurt knew a few of his favorite sayings: ‘Never let perfect be the enemy of good,’ ‘Connect the dots,’ and ‘The cup is half-full, always.’  He is an eternal optimist and often talked about ‘Rainbows and Unicorns,’ even in the face of overwhelming odds.”

His legacy of service and innovation will undoubtedly continue to inspire future generations of library professionals.

Kristine Adams Wendt – Library Hall of Fame Inductee

Kristine “Kris” Adams Wendt is a distinguished leader in Wisconsin’s Library community. Kris has demonstrated unwavering passion for and commitment to building strong libraries through organized common-sense advocacy at local, county and state levels. Her selfless sharing of her skills, knowledge, and expertise with library colleagues and elected officials across the state has been nothing less than extraordinary.

Kris’s leadership and ability to unite people for a common cause was evidenced early in her career while working at the Rhinelander District Library from 1974 to 2008. As Children’s Librarian, Kris collaborated with Headwaters Reading Council, Rhinelander School District and three northern Wisconsin library systems to launch the Rhinelander Children’s Book Fest in 1987. This two-day event drawing librarians and educators from 26 northern counties featured presentations by librarians from the Cooperative Children’s Book Center (CCBC), hands-on examination of award-winning books, and networking with peers. Book Fest drew 300 participants at its peak and marked its 35th year in 2023.

Hired in 2011 as a Wisconsin Valley Library Service consultant, Kris has created and engaged a regional network of library administrators and community members to advocate for libraries for almost 14 years. As the foremost strategist on legislative matters impacting northcentral Wisconsin’s public library ecosystem, Kris is adept at guiding effective advocacy and communication strategies with elected policymakers at municipal, county and state levels. Her unparalleled advocacy work, and ability to make less experienced library champions feel empowered, continues to inspire colleagues throughout the WVLS area and across the state.

Kris has been an active member of the Wisconsin Library Association since 1974. During her 50 years of service to the Association, she has held various leadership roles including WLA Secretary, Chair of the Children’s & Young Adult Services Section (now the Youth Services Section), Director at Large on WLA’s public library division board, and has held positions on the Nominations Committee, the Long-Range Planning Committee, and the Intellectual Freedom Committee. She was named the WLA Librarian of the Year in 1993. The Rhinelander District Library was selected as Wisconsin Library Association (WLA) Library of the Year in 2005 when Kris was Director. At that time, the Awards and Honors Committee noted the impressive way community support was galvanized following major budget cutbacks that threatened dismantling of Rhinelander’s joint library district just two years earlier.

Kris’ first practical experience with the legislative process was in the early 1990s as the WLA liaison to the Wisconsin Council for Local History, organizing the youth librarian community within WLA and WEMTA behind legislation to create and fund the Office of School Services at Wisconsin Historical Society to address a need for new fourth grade Wisconsin history materials. Though new to the process, Kris proved to be an effective, strategic advocate and quickly assumed the role of mentor, teaching other librarians about legislative advocacy – a role she continues to play today.  The Office of School Services campaign motivated Wisconsin youth librarians to become engaged activists for state library aid in the biennial budget process. Over the decades, she has fostered a legion of librarian advocates across the state.

Her demonstrated leadership, professionalism, and ability to think astutely and communicate expertly has brought significant value to a wide range of WLA initiatives.  However, her involvement as a long-standing member of the WLA Library Development and Legislation Committee (LD&L) has arguably had the greatest impact on the association and Wisconsin libraries overall. Kris chaired the annual Library Legislative Day for several years and is still an active volunteer on the event planning committee today. (It is no small coincidence that the Northwoods delegation to this event is always the largest and most well prepared.) Her attention to detail, expert writing skills, expansive memory, and meticulous historical files have proven invaluable to LD&L committee members, who often call upon Kris to create or edit budget briefs, background papers, and talking points on new legislation. According to WLA Government Relations Advisor Steve Conway, “In 14 years, I have not witnessed a single question that has come up that Kris did not have the institutional knowledge to fully answer.” During the past decade, as committee co-chair and secretary, Kris has helped craft political strategies that secured millions in state funding for Wisconsin’s regional public library systems.

As a current member of the Cooperative Children’s Book Center (CCBC) Advisory Board and Wisconsin Humanities Board, as well as a former member of the Council on Library and Network Development (COLAND) and State Superintendent’s Advisory Council on Rural Schools, Libraries and Communities, Kris has been a long-standing champion of youth library services and for equitable citizen access to all sizes and types of libraries. In recognition of her efforts, she received the International Reading Association Award for Exemplary Service in the Promotion of Literacy in 1995 and the State Superintendent’s Friend of Education Award in 2004.

Former Wisconsin Lieutenant Governor Barbara Lawton sums up best the skills and abilities Kris brings to her advocacy work: “[Kris] is held in the highest regard in her community, a generous public servant and highly effective leader in a variety of settings, a woman who can move groups to get a job done with good humor and grace… [She] is a woman whose intellectual agility makes her a quick study and smart analyst, even in policy areas new to her; a woman whose years of diplomatically and successfully navigating local and state governments as they wrote budgets related to her work demonstrate her great capacity for both short- and long-term planning. And I was impressed to discover in her a high level of political acumen not shared by countless people who have made it their life’s work.”

Dr. Mohammed M. Aman – 2024 Library Hall of Fame Inductee

Dr. Mohammed M. Aman (January 3, 1940 – May 25, 2024), was a scholar, educator, and passionate advocate for civil rights. His dedication to the field of Information Science took him to various institutions, including St. John’s University in New York, Long Island University, and the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, where he served as founding Dean and Professor of the School of Information Science. Throughout his career, he played pivotal roles in academic administration, earning recognition for his leadership and contributions to the field.

Dr. Aman had a rich academic background, holding a PhD from the University of Pittsburgh, an M.S. from Columbia University, and a B.A. with Honors from Cairo University. He began his long leadership career at St. John’s University, where he became the Division of Library Science Director after serving on
the faculty. During his tenure, the Division secured its first accreditation from the American Library Association (ALA). He served as Dean and Professor at the School of Library and Information Science at the C.W. Post Center of Long Island University from 1976 to 1979.

When Dr. Aman assumed duties as Dean of the Library School at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee in 1979, it had an interim dean. Although ALA accredited the school in 1975, Dean Aman put the school “on the map,” transforming it into one of the nation’s top-ranked library schools. His contributions advanced the school’s national and international reputation and positively impacted the Milwaukee and Wisconsin communities. He strongly advocated for building robust connections between academia and the community. He was the longest-serving faculty member in SOIS’s history, with 40 years of service from 1979 to 2019. He also held the record as the longest-serving dean, leading the school for over 20 years.

During his tenure at SOIS, the school grew to nearly 500 students and 23 faculty and staff, grew nationally and internationally, and obtained millions of dollars in grants and contracts from local, national, and international funding organizations, including the Helen Bader Foundation and the Fullbright Program.  Dr.  Aman was also pivotal in expanding the school’s academic programs. Under his leadership, SOIS achieved its first ALA accreditation in 1980, developed the Bachelor of Science in Information Science and Technology (BSIST) program, and introduced the online Master of Library and Information Science (MLIS) program in the mid-to-late 1990s. In 1992, he led the effort to rename the school from the “School of Library Science” to the “School of Library and Information Science” (SOIS) to better reflect the school’s diverse academic offerings and the evolving field of information science. To expand and improve library services and to allow more students to achieve degrees in library and information studies in Wisconsin, Dr. Aman established degrees in the Bachelor of Science in Information Studies, a multidisciplinary PhD program, a master’s degree in information studies, and another in Archival Studies. Moreover, the School began offering five joint or double master’s degrees that enabled graduate students at UWM to pursue another degree in addition to the MLIS: History, English, Music, Modern Foreign Languages, Geography, Anthropology, and Urban Studies. In this way,
graduate students were better prepared to apply their specific subject training in libraries in Wisconsin and other states.

In addition to the new and innovative academic programs, in the 1990s, Dr. Aman introduced one of the most revolutionary and successful distance learning programs in library services, which used online instruction to reach students in many remote locations in the state. This continued his efforts to establish distance education course offerings leading to the MLIS degree. The school also began sending faculty to teach in other cities in Wisconsin and Minnesota, which had no library school. This web-based distance education program significantly increased the number and geographic diversity of students enrolled in the school’s MLIS program. This program led the UWM campus in online learning programs and was listed by the US News and World Report as one of the “Best of Web-based Programs in April 2002.”

As part of his efforts to expand UWM’s reach beyond the state, Dean Aman successfully negotiated two separate grants from the Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) to train librarians and information professionals at UWM-SOIS. The grants covered the periods 1993-95 and 1995-97. He also secured and directed a similar training program for heads of campus libraries within the Mexican ITESM university system. Under his leadership, UWM faculty conducted comparable programs for Kuwaiti librarians in Kuwait and at UWM SOIS. Additionally, Dean Aman applied for and received grants from the U.S. State Department’s Fulbright Program to support faculty exchanges with Cairo University in Egypt, Mohammed V University in Rabat, Morocco, and the University of Tunis, among others.

As an advocate for civil rights, he co-founded several national and local organizations, including the Leader’s Forum, One Hundred Black Men, and the Arab-Jewish Dialogue, leaving a profound mark on the fight for equality and social justice. In his efforts to support minority students, Dr. Aman secured scholarships from Master Lock, Ameritech, Wisconsin Energy, and other local foundations to assist minority students at UWM. Under his leadership, the African American Faculty Council partnered with the School of Information Studies and the Milwaukee Public Library to host the Second National African American Librarians’ Conference in Milwaukee in August 1994. Dr. Aman also served on the board of America’s Black Holocaust Museum, founded by James Cameron, who survived an attempted lynching in Indiana.

For all of his accomplishments, Dr. Aman’s most significant concern was educating library school students and all others involved in improving that service and providing that service for all, especially the underserved, not only in this state but across the nation. His determination to provide library services to all, including the underserved, led to his acquiring several large grants.

His dedication to helping less privileged children led him to create the Information Technology (IT2000) Program in 2000. This initiative trained high school students from underserved families in computer skills and job readiness, receiving over half a million dollars in funding from organizations like the Helen Bader Foundation and the Private Industry Council. The program provided computer instruction to more than 2,000 Milwaukee high school students, giving them a taste of university education.

In addition to serving as Dean of SOIS, Aman accepted the appointment as Interim Dean of the School of Education (SOE) in 2000. During his two-year tenure at SOE, Dean Aman was instrumental in establishing the first one-million-dollar endowed Chair in Native American Education Studies and appointing its first Chair holder.

Beyond academia, Dr. Aman was a prolific author, with numerous articles published in leading scholarly journals and several books. He also served as an education and management consultant on national and international projects, impacting the global education landscape. Dearest to his heart, he served on the international panel of judges who selected the winning design for the new Bibliotheca Alexandrina in Alexandria, Egypt.

Dr. Aman’s impact extended far beyond the institutions he served and the pages he penned. He touched the lives of countless individuals, leaving a legacy of excellence, compassion, and unwavering commitment to
improving the world of library service.


Leslyn Shires, 2023 Library Hall of Fame Inductee

During her forty-year professional library career Leslyn M. Shires (1939-2015) made significant contributions to the improvement of library service to the residents of the communities she served and to the residents of the state of Wisconsin.

Leslyn M. Shires (maiden name Schmidt) was born in Hartford, WI on April 11, 1939. Shires received a B.A. from the University of Wisconsin-Madison in 1961, and a M.S.L.S. for Columbia University in 1962.

Shires worked at the Milwaukee Public Library from 1962 to 1974. Her positions included: Reference Librarian; Project Director for “Over 60” Service; Branch Head; and Coordinator of Adult Services. 

She served as Director of the Wauwatosa Public Library from 1974 to 1981.  Following her service as Assistant State Superintendent, Division for Library Services from 1981 to 1992 she served as Director of the Fond du Lac Public Library until her retirement in 2002.

Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction

It was in her role as Assistant State Superintendent for Library Services at the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction (DPI) during the period 1981 to 1992 that she made her most far-reaching contributions.  Shires’ tenure in this capacity was characterized by active and positive engagement with the library community and the residents of Wisconsin to improve library service.  

Shires became head of the Division for Library Services following the passage of a law creating the Council on Library and Network Development (COLAND) whose function was to advise the State Superintendent of Public Instruction on the provision of quality library services to the state’s residents. She met regularly with this body as the State Superintendent’s representative and helped craft its agenda and produce required reports to the Governor and State Legislature.

Major task forces were created by the State Superintendent upon Shires’ recommendation to address major library policy issues. Two major Task Forces on Library Legislation and Funding made recommendations that resulted in significant changes in Chapter 43, Wisconsin’s library law and increased state funding.

The procedures for the administration of the Library Services and Technology Act (LSTA) were significantly revised to allow a greater role for the LSTA Advisory Committee and more input on priorities for the library community.

Shires and Division for Library Services staff worked cooperatively with WLA’s Library Development & Legislation Committee to create legislative and funding goals supported actively by the State Superintendent. 

Shires was an active supporter of the Cooperative Children’s Book Center (CCBC) which was partially funded by the Department of Public Instruction.

An annual State Superintendent’s Conference for Public Librarians and Trustees was initiated. This was eventually merged with the Spring conference of WLA’s Public Library Section. 

A highly successful State Superintendent’s Conference for District Media Directors was carried out.  A School Library Media Task Force developed the School Library Media Programs: A Resource and Planning Guide.

Shires and Division staff worked closely with the System and Resource Library Administrator’s Association (SRLAW) to address legislative and funding issues of importance to this group.

Shires coordinated with Division staff the implementation in 1990-1991 of the Wisconsin Pre-White House Conference on Library and Information Services. This involved an elaborate statewide process overseen by an 18-member Steering Committee appointed by the State Superintendent. Hearings and meetings were held throughout the state to gain input from the state’s residents and library community. A highly successful Wisconsin Pre-Conference took place in Madison on February 7-8, 1991, to make recommendations and select delegates for the National Conference.

Shires was active in professional library associations. Her participation in the Wisconsin Library Association (WLA) included serving as Chair of the Reference and Adult Services Section in 1974 and President in 1979. Shires received WLA’s Special Services Award in 1981. Her participation in the American Library Association (ALA) included serving on the Reference and Adult Services Division (RASD) Committee on Aging in 1967-74 and on the RASD History Section Executive Board in 1979-1981.

Community Involvement

During her tenure at the Milwaukee Public Library Shires served on the Milwaukee Council for Adult Learning and was a member of the Zonta Club of Milwaukee. While in Fond du Lac, she was involved in many community programs including, Altrusa, Fondy Food Pantry, Meals on Wheels, the Arboretum and the Fond du Lac Roundtable.

Shires is listed in Who’s Who in Library and Information Services, 1982 edition. 



Connie Meyer, 2023 Library Hall of Fame Inductee

Connie Meyer has a fervent love of public libraries, and an unshakeable belief that they can change lives. Connie has worked tirelessly to improve and promote Wisconsin public libraries since, at age 16, she was hired as a part-time page. She continued to provide excellent service as a circulation clerk, children’s librarian, public library director (1992), and library system director (2013). Connie has succeeded in creating positive change across the state because she is laser-focused on the end user.  As she said in a 2017 WiLS member interview, “One of the reasons I have so thoroughly enjoyed every position I’ve had is that I’ve understood the connection between the work being done and the person for whom it matters.”  

Connie invests her time, builds relationships, grows people, and seeks to understand and meet the needs of all stakeholders. She does nothing halfway.  She recognizes barriers to progress, studies them, and proceeds to knock them down or figure out how to detour around them. Her dedication to data use, planning, preparation, and transparency are additional keys to her success. Along the way, she never self-promotes; instead, she shines the light on the efforts of others.

Throughout her career at Fort Atkinson’s Dwight Foster Public Library, Connie cultivated relationships and participated in organizations in the community; in the process she ensured strong support for the library.  As director, she oversaw the 1993 automation and digitization of library records.  She followed this with a decade of planning a building expansion and renovation in order to accommodate new technology and provide more space. That building project, finalized in 2010, resulted in the library being featured in the architectural issue of American Libraries as well as winning local accolades.

After 37 energetic years in Fort Atkinson, Connie moved on to the directorship of the Waukesha County Federated Library System (WCFLS) in November 2013.  She quickly built strong relationships with Waukesha County library directors by listening attentively to their concerns and aspirations.  She earned the respect and trust of her board, County officials, and the County budget team through excellent communication and a demonstrated commitment to data-driven decision-making. In her first ten months, Connie reorganized her staff, located and designed new and less-costly office space, and wrote a budget that reflected what she had learned of the member libraries’ needs, by translating savings she had achieved elsewhere into additional new services to libraries and customers. She also identified the precise problem area in the complex County-codified WCFLS funding distribution formula that would, due to this formula not being constructed to anticipate the impending dissolution of a joint library, result in large political repercussions and greatly damage library service throughout Waukesha County. She then worked knowledgeably with the County’s finance staff to find a tweak that instead resulted in increased funding for most of the System’s member libraries; it was unanimously approved by the County Board.

In 2015, Connie was given an opportunity with a short timeline. She pulled together stakeholders representing sixty-four incorporated communities, twenty-four libraries,

two counties, and eight percent of the population of Wisconsin to achieve well-informed, enthusiastically unanimous agreement to enlarge the Waukesha County Library System to include Jefferson County libraries. This decision to create Bridges Library System was based not on a “bigger is better” assumption but instead on careful financial and service-level analysis that showed it would provide increased materials and services for users, greater stability for Jefferson County libraries, cost savings for Waukesha County libraries, and increased value for taxpayers of both counties. For the thorough and inclusive process used to achieve this system expansion, Bridges received a National Association of Counties Achievement Award, and two Salute to Government awards from the Public Policy Forum, in the categories of “Data Driven Management or Decision-Making” and “Intergovernmental Cooperation.”  Connie was also named Demco Librarian of the Year.

Connie is a strong believer in the value of planning, both county library planning and strategic planning at the system and local library levels. One of the legacies of her influence on Waukesha County library planning is that member libraries, no matter their size, are each required to have active strategic plans. These result in more focused service and a greater connection with the libraries’ communities. 

In addition to her local and system-level library work, Connie has generously shared her time and analytical abilities to work on statewide library issues. She was a member of the Department of Public Instruction’s Lean System Study Work Group, member and Director at Large of WAPL, a presenter at both DLT-sponsored boot camps for new directors and Trustee Training Weeks, active SRLAAW member, and part of PLSR’s Chapter 43 sub-workgroup.  She has excelled at bringing others into the conversations and has energized local library directors to get involved in statewide issues.  In a letter to the Bridges board president, a director stated, “Connie is passionate about libraries and the services offered in our libraries. She has motivated me to be a better leader, to contact stakeholders & to be more aggressive when promoting my library’s accomplishments in my community.”

In addition to these statewide initiatives, Connie joined the Wisconsin Library Association’s Library Development and Legislation Committee (LD&L) in 2015. There, as Co-Chair, she worked tirelessly to shepherd biennial budget requests to successful conclusions, meeting frequently with legislators in order to secure additional funding for library systems.  The result of these efforts was an increase of state aid from $15 million in 2015 to $20 million in 2023.

County funding is another big piece of overall library funding, so besides working on state aid to library systems, LD&L sought to establish a relationship with the Wisconsin Counties Association (WCA).  Connie and two others gave a presentation at the WCA annual meeting, resulting in LD&L being asked to provide the bulk of the content for the March 2018 issue of Wisconsin Counties magazine, which has a readership of over 9,000. Connie coordinated the articles and infographics covering a broad spectrum of public library issues and highlighting the importance of county library planning.   

LD&L also formed a Cross-County Funding Subcommittee, with Connie as a member. This subcommittee created easy-to-understand informational sheets that libraries could use to both explain the benefits of cross-county funding to their adjacent counties and dispel misunderstandings. This sub-committee is called in to consult with libraries experiencing issues and with legislators who express a need to know more when contacted by the billed counties. LD&L members, including Connie, have given numerous presentations on county funding at conferences and to individual library system boards.  As a result of work on these issues, LD&L identified easily resolved concerns expressed by counties, regarding billing issues, and recommended Best Practices for Libraries That Bill for Cross-County Use, a document adopted by SRLAAW in 2017.

As LD&L Co-Chair, Connie was active in law-making.  She met with legislative aides and testified in front of committees to successfully pass three bills which streamlined multi-county system boards, gave libraries permission to use collection agencies and law enforcement to retrieve materials while balancing user privacy, and expanded previously-school-focused TEACH grants to small and rural libraries. 

Connie retired in March 2020 from Bridges Library System and moved away from the Waukesha area, although she continued her LD&L work through the end of the year.  But that’s not the end of her influence. In August 2023, she was appointed to the Nicolet Library System Board.  We look forward to seeing how she continues to support Wisconsin libraries in her new capacity.


John DeBacher, 2023 Library Hall of Fame Inductee

John DeBacher made a huge impact on the Wisconsin Library Community over more than 25 years. He served as the director of the Monona Public Library for 10 years before moving to the Department of Public Instruction as the Public Library Administration Consultant and later the Director of Public Library Development.

In his time at the Monona Public Library, John made considerable progress in modernizing the library. He started there in 1994 and immediately began the work of advocating for and providing access to computers with Internet service. During his time there, he also conducted a needs assessment and engineering study which led to an eventual expansion in 2002. This expansion allowed the library to increase their usage as well as look at more innovative programming to meet the needs of the Monona community. Due to this, the library was named the Wisconsin Library Association’s Library of the Year in 2010. John was no longer working at the Monona Public Library, but the foundation he laid paved the way for this success.

At DPI, he worked with libraries and librarians across the state to provide guidance and advice on library operations, state statute related to libraries, public library establishment, and open meetings law. He attended system and local library board meetings as needed, often during periods of great difficulty and contention. He was diligent in researching issues and providing objective analysis to complex issues.

As Public Library Development Director, he oversaw the revision of public library standards and managed the Library Services and Technology Act Grants to States program. He attended meetings of almost every statewide committee related to libraries as a representative of DPI including: COLAND, SRLAAW, LD&L, the LSTA Advisory Committee, and many others. Through this work he became one of the foremost experts of Wisconsin library history and was relied on to provide context on many occasions.

As the state looked to embark on voluntary efforts to further improve library services, John proved his leadership and was a pivotal player in shaping library history still being written. John acted as the business owner and team lead of the DPI Lean System Study Work Group providing recommendations that would become the Public Library System Redesign project. He served as the DPI liaison to the steering committee of that project. The recommendations from both of these studies proved instrumental in changes and improvements to the Wisconsin library landscape.

Throughout all this work, John maintained a WLA membership for the entire 26 years of his career and has continued as a member in retirement. He was a regular presenter at WLA and WAPL conferences and served as WAPL chair in 2003. He also regularly attended and presented at ALA and ARSL conferences on the national scale and worked closely with other State Library Agency Library Development Directors to ensure Wisconsin was keeping up with national trends.

Over the course of his career, John proved that he was not only a student of Wisconsin library history, he was also a key author of writing a chapter of that history. He is incredibly deserving of inclusion in the Wisconsin Library Hall of Fame.

Jane Botham, 2023 Library Hall of Fame Inductee

Jane Botham received her Master’s Degree at the University of Pittsburgh School of Library and Information Science. Before becoming Coordinator of Children’s Services for Milwaukee Public Library (1980-1998), she worked at New York Public Library, San Francisco Public Library, New York State Library and as the marketing director at Bradbury Press.

As Coordinator of Children’s Services, Jane was a leader of youth services staff at the Central library and the 12 neighborhood libraries as well as the Mobile Library in the Milwaukee Public Library system. Jane was noted for her clear vision, passionate advocacy, children’s and teen book expertise, and unceasing commitment to bringing librarians, community organizations, book creators and kids together to provide respectful child- and family-centered library service.

Jane Botham was a true force in youth services in Milwaukee, in the state and nationally. Her leadership in youth services was well known and fell into a number of categories:


Jane’s experience in other large metropolitan libraries as well as her five years in publishing gave her a unique perspective on creating responsive services. “After having worked in publishing, Botham was able to share with library colleagues a valuable understanding of the publishing industry and its relationship to children’s librarianship.” [“Botham Honored as DSA.” Children and Libraries, Spring 2009. pp 55-56,]. She celebrated books and book creators, championing author visits to Milwaukee and creating the highly successful Poetry Concerts in the 1980s that brought nationally known children’s poets to the city. While chairing the Caldecott Committee in 1992, Jane facilitated a series of discussions for children and parents to involve them in the process of evaluating art in picture books.  An extension of the Milwaukee Reads program, this project was done in cooperation with the Milwaukee Public Schools, the Milwaukee Art Museum, and the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee School of Education.  [Milwaukee Journal Sentinel. October 22, 1992 and MPL Brochure “Let’s Talk About Picture Books for Children”]


Jane felt strongly that the library was an integral part of the community. She forged many invaluable collaborations and networks between the library and Milwaukee arts, educational, schools and community groups and individuals. She brought together leading youth-serving organizations like museums, nature centers, and cultural organizations to meet bi-monthly and created vibrant community collaborative programs with them including one with renowned author Nancy Eckholm Burkert and the Milwaukee Art Museum. [“Art Literature and Poetry: Milwaukee PL Supports Culture.” School Library Journal, June/July 1987, pp 32-36] These creative and multi-faceted programs were beneficial to the citizens of Milwaukee, the organizations, the individual artists, authors, and community workers, as well as providing opportunities for librarians to grow professionally and become integral members of their neighborhoods and the city-at-large. As Jane herself said, “I think networking is the ultimate tool for children’s librarians. The more people you know, the better off you are.” [“Reading, Responsibility and Respect: Jane Botham on the Three R’s of Library Service to Children.” School Library Journal. September, 1994. pp.134-138]


Jane was a mentor not just to the MPL youth staff but also to many, many Wisconsin Library Association Youth Services Section members and youth librarians throughout the state. Jane’s leadership, wise counsel, and support of youth librarians was legendary. There are many career librarians in Wisconsin – many now also retired  – who were fortunate to be counted among her proteges. She encouraged MPL librarians and youth librarians around the state to become active in local organizations and state and national library association work. Jane energized staff and proteges not only to attend conferences and seminars, but to take an active role in presenting and speaking on panels locally, statewide, and nationally as well. That support, which included making appointments of WI children’s and teen library staff to Association for Library Service to Children (ALSC) committees, brought the voices of many Wisconsin professionals to the tables at ALA and created life-long library leaders in children’s work and library management positions on the state and national level.


Jane was a strong advocate for quality children’s books, the importance of children’s library services in the constellation of services that libraries offer, and the training of youth services librarians to be leaders in their libraries and communities. Her voice was always an important one at any table of librarianship. She also recognized the fundamental powerlessness of children and advocated tirelessly for their right to read and to be informed by children’s literature. She was a strong leader and an exemplar of excellent library service locally, statewide and nationally and served as the President of the Friends of the CCBC during her career. After her retirement, she continued to advocate and support excellence in youth services and youth publishing and to mentor WI youth librarians.

Meeting Children Where They Are

Jane was a strong proponent of the public library serving the “whole child,” with their wide and varied interests. She focused on ways to listen to what children showed interest in and tying service and recommendations for materials conversationally into any interaction. She worked with others to create welcoming, supportive environments and services for children and families – always encouraging staff to get up and greet kids and families as they enter the library. She believed in respecting kids and treating them fairly. As Jane once said, “Children need to have adults who support them in their interests and who can respect them for who they are. That’s what a librarian can do more than anything else.” [“Reading, Responsibility and Respect: Jane Botham on the Three R’s of Library Service to Children.” School Library Journal. September, 1994. pp.134-138]

Supporting Professional Development

Jane’s leadership and coaching was evident on a daily basis within Wisconsin. She was an unstinting champion of making good books available to kids. She encouraged and developed MPL librarians’ critical skills in evaluating, critiquing, reviewing, and promoting children’s books, from both a literary and visual perspective. She helped facilitate appearances of many children’s book creators to Milwaukee for library programs, including Ashley Bryan, Kevin Henkes, Ava Weiss, Phillip Pullman and many others. She instilled in librarians an appreciation for the heritage and importance of children’s librarianship and literature and the role children’s librarians could play in the future of the profession.